How to cancel or postpone a congress with grace?
By Annelie Schönfeld, Senior Project Manager, CPO HANSER SERVICE
In recent weeks it has become a bit quiet around our congresses and events, because COVID-19 had a firm grip on not only us, but also on the entire event industry. We were faced with the challenge to decide whether to postpone or cancel events within a short period of time and without much prior notice. Our temporary state of shock did not last very long, and we quickly started to look for alternatives for ourselves, our participants, industry sponsors and service providers. The question how to proceed and whether we can even let the congresses take place has been of great concern to us in recent months and this is how we dealt with it:
The congress is rescheduled from a previously set date to a new date.
The congress is cancelled without giving an alternative date.
One thing is we will all very much appreciate being able to go to events in person again, shaking hands with other people and ex-changing experiences with a drink after lectures.
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