INCON Board and University 2016
Gothenburg and the Swedish Exhibition and
Congress Center / Gothia Towers, Gothenburg
3-6 November 2016
Chief Executives of INCON’s Partner companies and staff visited Gothenburg for an education and leadership meeting from 3-6 November 2016. The aim of the INCON University is to educate senior executives from INCON Partner companies on developments in the meetings industry and to provide a forum to facilitate the interchange of knowledge with a focus this year on medical meetings.
A number of external stakeholders were invited to participate in the meeting. Martin Jensen from Lundbeck represented the International Pharmaceutical Congress Advisory Association (IPCAA). With Martin’s experience working on both the conference organisation and on the buyer side, he was well placed to offer his perspectives on the trends in medical meetings. Professor Olle Larkö from Sahlgrenska University Hospital and former board member of EADV was part of the judging panel for the INCON University workshops. Roger Kellerman, well-known MICE commentator and editor of Meetings International captured and shared some of the perspectives and learnings from the meeting.
Robin Lokerman (MCI) was Dean of the University and Stefano Remiddi (AIM Group International) was the Programme Advisor. The meeting was developed and hosted with the support of the Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre, Gothia Towers and Gothenburg & Co.