Why DCOs are in high demand
By Nicole Walker, CEO, Arinex
As virtual and hybrid events continue to grow in size and frequency, Arinex CEO Nicole Walker sheds some insight on the expert teams who deliver these events, Digital Conference Organisers (DCOs), and answers some common questions.
What is a DCO?
DCO stands for Digital Conference Organiser, which is a specialised team that not only plans, but enhances the conference experience through use of emerging digital technologies. DCOs were born about 18 months ago, in response to the changing requirements for events worldwide and subsequent rise in virtual or hybrid events. A DCO is now seen as an important component of a PCO (Professional Conference Organiser).
Does every PCO have a DCO team?
In a nutshell, no. A full-service DCO incorporates a skilled technology team to drive the virtual elements of the event and most PCOs need to partner with another provider to facilitate this. There are many advantages to keeping everything in-house; with one team managing the entire event comes better security, less chance of human error and more efficient and effective communications. These DCO event managers understand event technology – as well as what it takes to run a successful online event – better than anyone else in the industry. We are fortunate to have a DCO team and after delivering specialist DCO services for 45 virtual or hybrid events in the past 12 months we are positioned more effectively than ever to deliver on our clients’ needs and objectives.
What are the benefits of a DCO?
A DCO is like a one-stop-shop for virtual/hybrid events. With expert online event managers and tried-and-tested in-house technology solutions and support throughout the entire event journey, a DCO team will take the fear of the unknown – and the risk – out of transitioning from physical events to virtual/hybrid. An experienced DCO team will help you increase membership/attendance, manage financial risks and drive engagement - whatever your objectives a DCO will partner with you to ensure successful return on investment.
How can virtual/hybrid events match the attendance and profitability of in-person events?
The industry has had to adapt to view virtual attendees as not just an ‘add-on’ but a very different demographic – and we need to ensure we are providing the same level of value for both physical and virtual attendees. If networking is a key objective, particularly with regards to sponsors and exhibitors, there are platforms that allow for better engagement and then the DCO can derive sponsorship packages to ensure ROI is being achieved. In terms of attendance, we are now seeing an increase in overall delegate numbers; a decrease in physical but an increase in overall reach. Sponsors may not be having 1:1 contact but are gaining access to a much larger audience and the data and analytics available to sponsors within a virtual platform are much more informative.
How does the live Q&A work across different time zones for international speakers?
Speakers are becoming more flexible and open to presenting at odd hours of the day. The conference program can be designed to cover a 10-hour time zone period to allow reasonable hours for much of the world. Another option is to pre-record presentations (which also eliminates the risk of technical or latency problems) and then have speakers available to attend a live Q&A. It is not uncommon to encounter challenges with international speakers though irrespective of digital functionality. In 2019 an international speaker fell asleep at the airport in the US and missed their connecting flight. With less than 24 hours to find a replacement speaker, the team worked long into the night and with help from long standing industry connections a replacement was found.
What do you do about speakers reluctant to record their talks for on-demand viewing, for intellectual property reasons?
Speakers have learnt to adapt to the changing needs of virtual and hybrid events. An experienced DCO will help ease fears for speakers and demonstrate the value in making presentations available post event. For example, speakers may choose to provide an abridged version of their PowerPoint presentation for on-demand viewing. Permission should be obtained from speakers to record their presentation, as part of their contractual agreement, to deliver on event objectives.
For in-person events that switch to virtual, what extra costs are involved?
Our recommendation for events in the next couple of years is to plan for a hybrid event; that way funds are already allocated for the virtual component while planning for the physical component can begin. This way you can transition between the options effortlessly. There is nominal additional cost because you already have two platforms (virtual and physical) established. Another benefit with planning hybrid events is that sponsorship packages can be designed from the start of the event journey, allowing you to maximise revenue and demonstrate ROI from the outset. There are many options for brand awareness and exposure for sponsors on a virtual platform so the possibilities are endless. In terms of overall cost comparison, due to reduced variable costs for virtual attendees (such as catering), the additional investment for hybrid is offset by the increased revenue opportunities available. A collaborative discussion between the DCO and client should take place to develop the conference strategy and assess all elements fto achieve the financial objectives of the event.
Interested in meeting Arinex’ DCO team? Watch our video below and get in touch today to hear how we can help your event transition to virtual/hybrid! Email:
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Executive Director of INCON
T: +353 86 311 40 67